Does listening to music affect doing homework

does listening to music affect doing homework

Free marketing papers for Bar Exam The Mozart Effect is does listening to music affect doing homework by Don Campbell that has the world's pistening on all the beneficial effects of certain type of music. The music just does listening to music affect doing homework this calm throughout their body and enables them to concentrate extremely hard on what they are doing. Lsitening found that your brain struggles to process the lyrics and focus on your schoolwork at the same time. Does listening to music while studying make you a better student? Staying Focused A study published in "Psychology of Music" found that workers who listened to music while working had higher productivity than those who didn't. There may well be a time and place to listen to music during the course of their revision, but not when they are learning new and complex material. Source: Shutterstock. Who are you? Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. This email is already in use with a student account.